Bitch Gakuen ga Seijun na Hazu ga Nai!!?

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DESCRIPTION: Hentai Bitch Gakuen ga Seijun na Hazu ga Nai!!?
The Amami family consists of Hasaku-kun, his older sister Mao and his little sister Airi-chan. Their parents became the founders of the academy for nurturing love between students, but they died in an accident. Their own Aunt Mei seized power in the academy and forced her older sister Mao to resign as founder. Her plan was to turn the academy into an elite educational institution like Mecha-Con, where girls would learn the craft of love and the ability to sell themselves to rich and wealthy men. Unfortunately for Aunt May, all students at the academy must sign the charter, and since the students here are male, this is not possible.
This hentai consists of: 1 parts

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